Saturday, June 19, 2010

2010-2011 Officers

2009-2011 Consistory Officers

Commander in Chief: Ill.'. Sandy F. Samson, 33°

1st. Lt. Commander: Lynwood J. Bennerson, 32°
2nd LT. Commander: Robert M. Tyrrell, 32º, DSA
Orator: Richard J. Powell, 32º, DSA
Chancellor: Ill.'. Bruce Ackerman, 33°
Master of Ceremonies: Ill.'. William L. DuPree, 33°
Engineer and Sen'l: Garret A. Wikoff, 32º, DSA
Standard Bearer: D.B. Garry L. Visconti, 32°, MSA
Captain of the Guard: D.B. Willaim W. Sorn, 32°, MSA
Trustee: Richard M. Torrey, 32°
Trustee: Carl F. Fahrenkrug, Jr., 32°

Officers In All Four Bodies

Treasurer: J. Michael Gates, 32°
Secretary: D.B. George W. Black, 32°, MSA
Hospitaler: Allan J. Ferguson, 32°
Tiler: Melvin W. Sitts, 32°, DSA

2010-2011 Chapter of Rose Croix Officers

Most Wise Master: Allan J. Ferguson, 32°

Senior Warden: Lawrence W. Egnaczyk, 32°
Junior Warden: Michael J. Gunn, 32°
Orator: Kim C. Dellow, 32°
Master of Ceremonies: George A. Laird, III, 32°
Captain of the Guard: Ryan J. Boyle, 32°
Trustee: Lynwood J. Bennerson, 32°

2010-2011 Council of Princes of Jerusalem Officers
Sovereign Prince: Milo Peterson 32º

High Priest: David A. Barnello, 32°
Senior Warden: Michael J. Cassavaw, 32°
Junior Warden: Carl F. Fahrenkrug, Jr., 32°
Master of Ceremonies: Robert O. Boutell, 32°
Master of Entrances: Kevin M. Cobb, 32º, DSA
Trustee: Ill.'. Gary S. Hartman, 33°

2010-2011 Lodge of Perfection Officers

Thrice Potent Master: Thomas E. Santmyer, Jr., 32 °
Deputy Master: Geoffrey M. Linehan, 32°
Senior Warden : Leon Bulriss , 32°
Junior Warden : John W. Melnycsuk , 32°
Orator : Rev. Randolph D. Bishop, 32°
Master of Ceremonies : Jason Mott, 32°
Captain of the Guard : Rolf Schwedes, 32°
Trustee: D.B. Gary Kall, 32°, MSA